
Six go on an adventure together

I often have people tell me that they are ‘unphotogenic’ and am very used to having reluctant subjects in front of my lens 🙂 But, I strongly believe that everyone can look great in photos and that a photo shoot shouldn’t be a painful experience! I also think being photographed by someone that can use light and direct the subject in a flattering way is something that everyone should try at least once. I encourage anyone reading this who hasn’t had a shoot with a professional photographer to give it a go, who knows maybe you’ll find out you are photogenic after all?!! 

Janaya sent me this message the day after their shoot in Raglan and it made me so happy because it is exactly what I’m trying to achieve from my sessions. “Donald and I were really surprised about how much fun it was. We both normally HATE our photo being taken and are really unphotogenic,  but we felt really relaxed and you made it so easy and we didn’t feel like dorks So thank you so much!!! “

Thanks for having me photograph your family in Raglan Goodhalls!