
Gilmours on Tour: A Wedding in Sri Lanka 2024

When I married into a large family, I never dreamed that I would one day be travelling with them, but we pulled it off !! Seventeen days together in Sri Lanka, seventeen of the best days of my life (travel without children is incredible)!

We went for a family wedding but made it into a road trip. Hiking, yoga, buffets, cocktails, swimming, shopping, naps and quality chats. All of my favorite things with 14 of my favorite people. When a friend asked if the trip was as amazing as it looked on social media, I could honestly say it was even better. I’m so grateful to have had this experience. 

One of the highlights was my brother in laws Tamil Wedding. It was colourful, exciting, loud, hectic and started EARLY!!! We all got up at 3am and got ready together to attend the milk ceremony at 5. Being part of a Wedding without working was such a treat. In fact Dave and I spent most of the time onstage, as family representatives with quite a number of ‘jobs’ including cutting a coconut, and taking around offerings to be blessed. Favorite moments were when the officiant would say ‘ahh well, new ritual’ if we did something wrong. I didn’t pick my camera up for a week, and even then It didn’t come along with me everywhere, so about half the images here are from my phone. But the best camera is the one you have on you right?

It’s been the longest time since I’ve truly had a break. Well, a break long enough to really switch off from work and it was so good for me. Starting 2024 so motivated and rested, ready for a big year!