A beach shoot
I was beyond excited to photograph Brooke & Willem, at this legendary beach on Singer Island. Brooke and I met on a facebook group when we were living in Florida and had planned to do a photoshoot swap. Unfortunately, thanks to Covid, we left Florida quickly and never got our session in, but I’m stoked to have their couples shoot in my portfolio. Brooke is one of the most beautiful people I have ever met and quickly left and impression on me. We’ve kept in touch over Instagram and she’s one of those people that exudes wisdom, grace and fun wherever she goes. My goal is to take my family back here one day to get our shoot done! Until then, I’m happy to reminisce and enjoy these photos. If you’re having a beach shoot getting in the water is a great option, it can be intimate or fun or both, and being close to the water gives you a different look to your images. Enjoy this beautiful couples shoot at my favorite beach in the world!